
Shamil Ibragimov

6 years ago I purchased 4 Apartments in Limassol as part of an investment program. Completed the furniture and turned to several agencies for help in finding tenants. In one of the agencies I met Victoria Poleva. Without further ado, without trying to lower my price “6 years ago I purchased 4 Apartments in Limassol as part of an investment program. Completed the furniture and turned to several agencies for help in finding tenants. In one of the agencies I met Victoria Poleva. Without further ado, without trying to lower my price

Alexander Popov

We started working with Victoria in absentia, even when I just had to move to Cyprus and I had to find something temporary. Two realtors recommended by my Cypriot partners introduced me to siga-siga and avrio-metavrio. With Victoria we started working in absentia, even when I just had to move to Cyprus and had to find something temporary. Two realtors recommended by my Cypriot partners introduced me to siga-siga and avrio-metavrio

Alexandra Pervomayskaya
HR manager (Chantway Trading Limited)

Seven years ago, by chance, we ended up in Cyprus, and arrived at an apartment that was provided to us by the company, and it was horror, so after living on the island for a month, we began to look for an option to move and in this situation we met with Seven years ago we voluntarily cases ended up in Cyprus, and we arrived at an apartment that was provided to us by the company, and it was horror, so after living on the island for a month, we began to look for an option to move and in this situation we got acquainted with

Alexander Popov

We started working with Victoria in absentia, even when I just had to move to Cyprus and I had to find something temporary. Two realtors recommended by my Cypriot partners introduced me to siga-siga and avrio-metavrio. With Victoria we started working in absentia, even when I just had to move to Cyprus and had to find something temporary. Two realtors recommended by my Cypriot partners introduced me to siga-siga and avrio-metavrio

Галина Бережецкая

С творческой во всех смыслах Викторией я познакомилась на театральной площадке. Когда встал вопрос о поиске жилья, сразу решила обратится к ней. Озвучив наши пожелания, Виктория оперативно поняла, что именно нам нужно и не предлагала лишнего. В итоге нашла дом, который изначально даже не планировали сдавать в аренду.
Благодаря Виктории все сложилось и в короткие сроки, за что огромная благодарность!

Всегда буду ее рекомендовать, так как есть личный положительный опыт работы с Викторией!

Александра Каперска, управляющий директор, Корпус Права (Кипр)

С Викторией мы познакомились более пяти лет назад, она помогала нам с мужем в поиске жилья для себя. После этого я стала обращаться к ней по запросам своих друзей и клиентов. Виктория всегда была оперативна, внимательна и конкретна, стараясь соответствовать ожиданиям во всем. Она не только квалифицированный специалист, но ещё добрый и отзывчивый человек. С удовольствием рекомендую Викторию всякий раз, когда дело касается недвижимости на Кипре.

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